The SM is a very large competition in the Swedish fishing calendar and this is the club's first venture into it . We will be fishing against the finest clubs in the country that contain many experienced International anglers with a wide base of knowledge.
Tim and i arrived on the Friday before the weekend with Johan and Erik to drive from Stockholm at 03:00 am in the morning on the Saturday !!
The evening before we went to A section where Tim will fish to test the depth in his waders so as to get a feel for potential peg positions.
We returned to the Bed and Breakfast (Kullens) and started to get the gear into an efficient level ready for erection the next day. The B and B was shared by our great friends the TROSA SFK.

Tim's Nordik Tackle box arrangement looks very sturdy.
Steady as a rock
Johan and Erik arrived and started to get in the mix.
Great friend Paolo erecting his trolley and kit
The VBMK criminals arrive
Browning v Sensas
Tikkanenvagn and of to B section.
Kent Browndell gear at the ready
My clag
Mr.Browning to my left
After the end of the match i managed to capture a few of the weigh-in's and they did rather better than some of us.
Day 1 finished and we did rather poorly and made a huge mistake in not using Jokers.
Back to the BB anyway for a quick mix and repair of any rigs plus the odd glass or three of wine and beer.
Very nice people at Kullens
Next morning and we took breakfast with the Trose boys . Gunilla does a really nice breakfast.
Day's menu of stiky-mag-gravel and stiky mag-caster-worm with hook baits
C14 for me 2nd day how can i not catch when 23 kilos came of it the day before !!
12 balls VDE Turbo and Natur with black river leam and 6 balls of leam with chop worm.
End of match ......disaster Browning guy to my right killed me with using alot of joker and topping up regular. He fished brilliantly.
Trosa hot-rod Hasse to my left with no joker but with regular balls going in a 15m on 9m whip. Got himself 5th in section ......great fishing . Me ! i was last in section , no excuses !
What can i say but the MAU performed poorly and our knowledge was little on this venue but now the match has finished our memory banks are full with what we have seen . We have discussed how to improve from this first team competition.
Wish to thank FKZZ-TOP for their excellent organisation skills most noticeably was Jonas and Gunter who gave their time to cutting out all the pegs on many of the sections , tireless un-selfish work and great dedication to the Swedish match fishing scene.