The day before i fished my local canal in Södertälje for 52 Roach on a beautiful warm day . Today i visited Trosa the angling Mecca when the fish are 'in' . I arrived about 07:30am and already several anglers were there and catching fish , this is good news . When i took a walk you could see fish all over topping the surface so very good news indeed . The morning started quite warm and sunny but that changed by 11:00 am as foggy and cloudy weather approached and dropping the temperature drastically.
I quickly set up a feeder rod using my MATRIX ETHOS XR-F 11-10 with a small PRESTON 20gr feeder . I cast past the wooden posts and straight the way the tip was bouncing so clearly there was a depth of fish there in just 1.7m deep of water . Tip went round after 20 seconds and a Roach . Ummmm , i thought if i carry on with feeder fishing eventually i have all the drop-shot / Jigger boys casting in the same place so i decided on a pole approach and fished inline to the post in front of me thus limiting them casting into me - some of these people thinks its fair gain to cast where they want - thats Swedish fishing sometimes !
I set up two pole tops using 1.0gr and 1.5gr Garbolino SPT19 floats at about 1.5 and 1.75 depth to HAYBUSA 157 size 16 (later progressed to a 14) , also used the HAYBUSA 158 long shank hook size 12 . I fed SONU Baits DEEP WATER and CORN and BISCUIT mix , 50-50% . Started on dead maggot and Pinkie and caught from the off with 17 fish in 15 minutes ! I fished two line at 11m and close at 3m .