I decided to visit Trosa as the weather was clear and fishable in 3-4 degrees . When arrived at 08:30am the wind was on my back so comfortable. I had all my normal match and predator gear with me so i started on the drop-shot .
Started here and second cast i was stuck ! i freed up but i lost my drop shot weight 😞 Moved to the corner and persisted for at least 45 minutes .........but nothing !
While on the corner i found two lots of discarded braid - i then bagged it up ready for disposing properly when i got home .
Advise to anglers who discard line and braid - PLEASE take it home and cut it into small pieces as animals and birds could accidentally get entangled - PLEASE !
Took a break and ate a few Pizza pieces with coffee and i never saw anyone catch a fish and i reckon i had seen 20 plus anglers today and not heard of any catches !
On the bright side , the sun attended to warm us up a little
I met Daniel a Romanian guy and we talked endlessly about fishing , politics etc ..... We both decided to move upstream to the weir .
No takes for Daniel and i did not bother to fish .
We met Pasi earlier the AFK TROSA bailiff and he remarked that he had not seen any fish catches which was strange as the river looked in good condition . It was a really blank day which can happen at Trosa , some days this time of year the fish can be there and others days we are mystified where they are ? Thats fishing !